Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Slimming down in more ways than one.....=)!

I am continuing my love affair with Zumba and this weekend moving on to kayaking. Yeah, it's one way to slim down...but I found another.....

I've had my stuff in a couple of stores and I've decided to slim down to just one.  Two is too hard for me to maintain if I want to have a life.  I have my own projects that are pleading for my attention around home.  So, I am moving all my stuff from the store up north into "The Spare Room" on Hewitt in Everett just across from Comcast. I love the staff there, the organization, the quality and the owner is fantastic!  Hopefully it will slim down my responsibilities and help me focus a bit more. I want this to continue to be fun!!!!

So, over the weekend, I completed my love seat shabby chic slip cover.   Here's the pic!

Now my little project is a "Trash to Treasure" redemption of some children's items that I am putting together as a set.  I found the items seperately and visualized them together....what do you think?

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