Monday, September 24, 2012

Long time since I've been here...

Since the last time I wrote, I have moved to a whole new city to be by my new job with Boeing and then finished my first quarter back to finish my degree!  I MUST report that I got an "A" this quarter!  YAY!
 I am teaching Zumba with some amazing ladies.  (I have to get the workout in there). I love my new location and the people I am meeting.  I do miss my friends from up north.

At the Spare Room Vintage Market:
I had two pillows that I was selling but before I could get a picture of one, I had already been purchased...Here is my picture and I plan on making a boatload of them with different sayings.  Do you have any sayings you'd like to suggest? Write me here!

Faith Sign
Grey Armoire
Torquoise Desk