Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Season 2010: Reflections....

This year has been filled with surprises of many sorts:
1. Natalie met an amazing man, (Jordan) that I adore.  God's planning had to have been perfect in this as he has the same type of humor that we enjoy....a little off kilter. I also like how they bring out the best in one another.

2. I have spent the entire year taking care of "Sue".  This is NOT the same thing as being selfish, rather it is caring enough about my relationship with my savior that I have honored myself in many ways; eating right, working out, pulling back from over-commitment and having healthy relationships. Somehow, I had gotten a few of these things so confused throughout the years.
Take for instance, relationships...I had thought I had established good boundaries in my life, but instead they were often times weak, (I made excuses for those in my life that were not honoring to me) and sometimes I created walls when I was afraid.  My Lord was faithful to show me..."Do you not believe that you are worthy of setting at the King's table? Why are you eating the crumbs off of the floor?  Come, dine with me. I adore you."  And so I began the climb into the chair and to enjoy His Words,  His affections towards me, His allowance of me to stop and to enjoy the life He has chosen for me to live.  He has a purpose and though the journey may be difficult at times, it works out for my good.  Yes, MY good!  Even my mistakes.  I have found that when I have stayed close to Him, that He shows a safe path, a way of escape when I am heading down a wrong path and a Father's heart.  He is my everything.

3. Then there was a 9 month period of unemployment in which I lost 70% of my income.  God had a plan there as well.  Not only did I search for work, I sat at His feet and quietly sought His will.  Back at Boeing I went to a job I hated and paid a fraction of what I had been making previously, but then, someone from my past remembered my work and got me on in their department....the way it happened was a miracle.  Now, I have had 2 extensions as a contractor and am back as a Project Manager, a job that I love to do and back at my previous pay, (minus overtime).

4. "Accidentally" a woman that owned a shop asked if I would make a bunch of signs for her shop in Langley WA to sell. I did, and they sold quickly. So, I began selling at "The Spare Room" in Everett, but my focus shifted to furniture, dressers, etc.  The latest is this Kids Art Center....(the shelves are chalkboard)
and then fabric candy cane pillows for the holidays (which have sold out once)

As I continue to trust and open my heart up to the Lord to continue to more and more in my life, I am sure He will continue to bring blessings...(sometimes they won't feel that way, but nonetheless they bring about what He desires and my heart desires).  I encourage you to seek Him with all your heart....not for what YOU want, but for whatever He wants.  In the end, it'll be good!

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